
TP Sincronet

This solution is based on the creation of an electronic catalogue that simplifies the publication of information regarding products, prices and discounts. Publising information will be done electronically, in one place (Sincronet), thus providing an automated, controlled and reliable means of data synchronization with trading partners.

The electronic catalogue offered by TradePlace has the advantage of handling the minimum fields required or necessary for automatic publication in Sincronet.

Additionally, as an added value, our catalogue is ready to load other catalogues available on the market (Sincronet), if the customer requires it.

These are some of the direct benefits using a TP Sincronet service will bring you:

  • It allows you to place basic information about products, both consumer units (CU) and delivery/dispatch units (TU or DU), as well as their prices and public or private discounts
  • You can load products data via a TXT file
  • You will receive in real-time a notification about any change made in the catalogue













TradePlace is an e-commerce service of ENIAC

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